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Kyrene De La Estrella Elementary School school Homes for Sale and Real Estate in Phoenix AZ

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Today kyrene de la estrella elementary school, Phoenix AZ is count around 15 homes for sale at current average listing price of $951,520. Nearby neighborhoods of kyrene de la estrella elementary school are Portofino Condominium, Cabrillo Canyon 4, Canyon Retreat At Mountain Park Ranch Lot 73-91, Clubhouse Estates Unit 1 At The Foothills, Foothills Mountain Ranch Estates, Foothills Parcel 01B Lot 1-107 Tr A-N, Foothills Parcel 05C Lot 1-74 Tr A-E, Foothills Parcel 5A Lot 1-72 Tr A-F, Foothills Reserve Parcel A-2, Palmia At The Foothills Lot 1-90 Tr A-H. Most of kyrene de la estrella elementary school homes are 4 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms.